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At the end of eighth grade, we were given choice sheets of all the activities we could join once we entered highschool. Yearbook was listed as a very selective elective and only a few people were expected to be accepted. When I walked into the classroom on the first day of ninth grade the first thing I noticed was that I was one of two people of color in the room, the other being our advisor. What I had didn't realize was that being the only black person in the room gave me a perspective that the others didn't have. As a result of this, I struggled to find my footing and learn my place within the publication and while others were learning from senior members they'd known all their life, I was struggling to find what I could possibly be good at. It was during my second semester that I began to find my niche. Photography proved to be the area that I would excel in within the publication as I somewhat taught myself the ins and outs of the camera and photo editing. 


My name is Nasia Thompson, and I serve as the Editor-in-Chief of The Commodore at Lafayette High School.

Fast forward to this year, I have risen to the role of Editor-in-Chief and have not only found my footing within the classroom but have learned how to lead. Throughout these years within this publication, I have taken many steps to lead me to this position. From learning photography and photo editing to learning design and writing in order to use all of this to put a spread together. 

Along with learning from the successes and mistakes of those before me, being a member of this organization has taught me so many skills that I plan to utilize for the rest of my life. I can only hope that something I teach those coming after me something they will also want to pursue in their futures.

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